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North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. The Amphibians and Reptiles, Ornithology, Ichthyology, Invertebrates, and Mammalogy Collections may now be searched using the web mapping application, Species Mapper. Amphibians and Reptiles, Ornithology, Ichthyology, Invertebrates, Mammalogy, Vertebrate Paleontology, and Paleobotany Collections are now part of VertNet. Are available on the museum website under research.
The FADA database is an information system dedicated to freshwater animal species diversity and expert-based distribution information. Phase 1- A global ass.
The EU-funded research project BioFresh established an internet platform bringing together information and data on freshwater biodiversity in a clearly arranged and easily explorable way. These efforts are now being continued through extending the platform, widening its scope from biodiversity issues to all kinds of freshwater ecology, management and research topics. All major results from BioFresh are now available on the.
Nederlandse tak van de Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Open biodiversiteitdata, voor wetenschap, maatschappij en een groene duurzame toekomst. Data die worden gedeeld worden gebruikt. NLBIF ondersteunt Nederlandse organisaties bij het open en internationaal gestandaardiseerd online zetten van biodiversiteitdata. GBIF Young Researchers Award 2018.
You have just completed your registration at OpenAire. Before you can login to the site, you will need to activate your account. An e-mail will be sent to you with the proper instructions. Please note that this site is currently undergoing Beta testing. Any new content you create is not guaranteed to be present to the final version of the site upon release.
River Great Ouse in arable farmland in Southern England. Multiple stressors from nutrient pollution affect the ecosystem services that this river can provide. Last week we wrote about the new MARS factsheets. Which we covered on the blog. Assesses the impacts of multiple stressors. On the provision of ecosystem services from freshwater ecosystems, under different .
Your user agent does not support frames or is currently configured not to display frames. However, you may visit Start menu. OpenLink Virtuoso is a next-generation Universal Server that facilitates the development and deployment of a new generation of Enterprise-wide, Internet, Intranet, and Extranet-based solutions, transcending prevalent enterprise challenge areas such as Disparate Databases and Data Sources, Web Service Composition, and Business Process Management.
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Project ran from July 2007 until February 2009. It was replaced by Galaxy Zoo 2. In the original Galaxy Zoo project, volunteers classified images of Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This webpage allows anyone to download the resulting GZ classifications of nearly 900,000 galaxies in the project.